Effective communication of changes. How to build the image and establish in the awareness of employees the new Department responsible for the transformation process? Just take a look!

Distinguishing visual identity

We have created a distinct branding and communication strategy based on specific values that reflect the mission of the new Department. In doing so, we demonstrated “resources and capabilities,” encouraging businesses to collaborate.

The dedicated branding for the new Department included the development of an umbrella brand along with sub-brands for coexisting teams within the organizational structure. We showcase the teams in an inclusive manner, indicating both their individuality and the synergy of their actions. The creative concept is based on the connections that the new Department has internally (business units) and externally (innovations, market, trends). The new Department aims to take action, thus implementing innovations in a tangible way.


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Communication of changes and event naming

Our challenge was to build employee engagement in the transformation process and stand out in the sea of online meetings. Therefore, we proposed a naming for the cycle of internal development initiatives and educational events aimed at the entire organization: #Transformers.

The name significantly differs from corporate, rigid names for challenging and complex processes. Executed in this way, the communication of changes shows a human, active, and proactive side. It allows for personalization and envisions actions as those of real people, not impersonal tasks.

To support the sense of co-designing innovation in the organization, we applied an inclusive language and communication tone that align with the character of the new Department.

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Internal digital communication tools

Appropriate change communication and tool selection are crucial support in achieving business goals within the organization. We conducted the adaptation of the communication concept at all touchpoints with the audience, including employees.

We developed information architecture and UX dedicated to the new Department and Team’s SharePoint site. This is a space where employees can easily access essential information and, most importantly, participate in new initiatives.

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Social Media

Another touchpoint involved supporting communication through LinkedIn. This enabled us to effectively carry out activities in both internal communication and resonate with an external audience.

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shared meetings and consultations
specialists from various fields
cups of coffee consumed