What does the onboarding process look like?
Onboarding is the process of introducing a new employee to the duties and culture of the company. It is also one of the most important factors influencing ROI, that means return on investment. Unfortunately, it often happens to be one of the biggest problems of employers who don’t know what the onboarding process looks like, and therefore make a lot of mistakes during implementing it. We write below what it really should look like.
What is onboarding?
As we have written more about what onboarding is in the article, we will only remind you that it is an adaptation process to introduce the employee to the duties and culture of the company. How long does it take? Onboarding begins after the recruitment is completed and before joining the organization, and continues for the next weeks or even months. According to research, it makes 91% of new employees decide to stay in the company longer.
Research shows that onboarding should last from six months to a year.
What does the onboarding process look like: step by step?
Below, we explain the onboarding process step by step. Earlier, however, it is worth adding that it may differ depending on the size of the enterprise and the number of newly hired people.
1. Contact a new employee
At this point, remember to contact the new person before he/she comes to the office. Reassure that the team is expecting him/her and explain what the first day will look like. Such information usually allows to reduce the stress that arises in new employees. It is equally important to prepare the workplace and tools.
2. Choose buddy
Buddy is most often the person whom the new employee will work with. He accompanies new person during the onboarding, answers questions and dispels doubts. It makes him/her feel comfortable and provides support. In order for the buddy to perform its assigned function well, it is worth training him to prepare for this role.
3. Introduce the new employee to the team
And everyone else he/she will meet in the company. You can do this by e-mail, in a welcome message, or with a face-to-face meeting. This is a good time to describe how individual departments function and what their role is.
4. Describe the structure of the company
Spend the next days of onboarding on introducing a new person to the structure of the company. For this purpose, you can use tools and other materials, e.g. office maps prepared with job descriptions.
5. Conduct internal trainings
The most important are the following:
- the company’s history
- description of values and mission
- rules and regulations
- compulsory health and safety training
- information on benefits
- equipment usage
It is worth doing your best during them, because according to research, 17% of employees say that the first day of work did not prepare them for their functions, and 24% add that they couldn’t count on help then. You can read more about onboarding here.
You can find a ready onboarding plan in our onboarding guide here.
Planning onboarding is a process that requires an effort. It is necessary to select the tasks so to prepare the employee for a new role, as well as to organize the first weeks of work. These are many components that you should think about before hiring a new member. Fortunately, we can make this task easier! For this purpose, contact us and we will create an onboarding plan for you!
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